Invertebrates 3

How do sponges, cnidarians, flatworms and roundworms obtain food?

In the following link you will find a great interactive game-presentation that explores how porifera, cnidarians and certain worms obtain food.

1.    Read the introduction on the left-hand side of the screen, which explains about invertebrates, and how they obtain their food.

2.    Now read the objectives. You are going to investigate invertebrates in a coral reef, and how they feed.

3.    Follow the instructions in the procedure section. Explore the video and the interactive sections. In step 6 you should click on the table below the procedure section and complete it with information from the web page. Print the table.

4.    In step 8 you complete a journal of your investigation. Click on the link to the journal below the procedure section. Print the journal. 

Invertebrate animals 2

Visit the following link:


Now answer the questions:
